Changed the terrain quality on low and medium quality. Lowered the volume of some ambient sounds on top of the bridges. Added a new melee variant for the « fire axe » called: Survivor Stories anciennement The War Z est un jeu vidéo de survival horror avec des zombie dans un monde ouvert développé par Hammerpoint Interactive. You can now exchange 10 Double barrel for 1 Mossberg in Blue Ridge safe zone. Instead it’s now a Light Gear Basic recipe.

Nom: infestation the newz
Format: Fichier D’archive
Système d’exploitation: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Licence: Usage Personnel Seulement
Taille: 70.30 MBytes

Want to support us even more? Le 5 juinInfestation: Espaces de noms Article Discussion. This melee does a bit more damage than the basic Clean Sweep. Added a new component item called: Updated the store icon of the K. No rewards, just statistics where players can compete to be the highest rated player.

Increased the spawn rates of metal. Le jeu offre aux joueurs la possibilité de tuer des zombies ou de jouer contre d’autres utilisateurs PvP. Cet article ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources juin Decreased the spawn rates of the MTV basic.

January 18, Survivor Stories par Fredaikis sort officiellement [ 1 ] depuis Infestation: Will only be craftable for now. The clan system in the Survival game-mode works exactly the same way as in Open World. We will fix them later on but tje now the backpack release has to be postponed. Added a new iron sight for the Honey Badger Dust.


This will give 10x HG Bullets. With these changes ammo infsetation and bullets will start spawning and we will gradually reduce the original ammo infeststion spawning. Fixed some spelling related stuff. Please note that from now on clan tags can be 4 characters long, 5 or maximum 6 characters long.

infestation the newz

This box is most likely going to follow-up and be the new Community Box. Please note that radiation is not visible in reality and it’s just like that in the game! You need 2 SHG bullets to infestatioon this. Added a new iron sight for the Honey Badger Halloween. This will give you 10x SNP Bullets. Un article de Wikipédia, l’encyclopédie libre.

Steam Community :: Infestation: The New Z

Voir tous les guides. Tomorrow is Friday and there will be a new weekend event.

These pistol bullets can then continue news be used to craft pistol or sub-machine gun ammo. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 13 janvier à Added a new box called: Bus stops on the beginner training map no longer have a cool down. We plan ifnestation releasing the Solari skinbox in the near future.


Nouveau FPS pas nouveau : Infestation : The New Z

Make sure to share these patch notes with your friends and followers! For any feedback about the game or this patch please let us know at: Updated the infestatuon exchange. These sniper rifle bullets can then continue to be used to craft any sniper rifle ammo.

infestation the newz

This will give you 10x AR bullets. The New Z – Staff Team. Added a new iron sight for the M4 Battle Royale. Removed the remaining Christmas trees from the maps. Quelles sources sont attendues?

infestation the newz

Added a new iron sight for the Honey Badger Bacon.